
Power amplifier

The M-6200 approaches the concept of the power amplifier from a new vantage point. It achieves an unprecedented level of performance that again redefines what a monophonic power amplifier can be. Retaining the parallel arrangement of two completely identical amplification circuits, the M-6200 drastically lowers the noise floor and improves the damping factor. Parallel operation has the advantage of significantly bolstering output current capability, as well as enabling extremely low output impedance. Furthermore, improvements to the NFB circuit using remote sensing and other technological refinements result in a damping factor in excess of 1,000 and make the amplifier capable of delivering constant current down to extremely low impedance loads. In the input stage, parallel operation along with optimized gain allocation keeps noise levels to an absolute minimum, as illustrated by the astonishing S/N ratio of 127 dB at maximum gain and 133 dB at the -12 dB gain setting.